Work Package 1: Project management and coordination




  • Coordination: Ensure that all project partners are aligned and working together effectively. This involves constant communication, conflict resolution, and facilitating collaboration among different teams and organisations.
  • Monitoring and Evaluation: tracking key performance indicators, identifying deviations, and implementing corrective measures when necessary. This involves ensuring the quality and timeliness of deliveries and preparing reports for relevant authorities. Ensure administrative and financial monitoring (link with the secretariat of the EU call, expanses and grant usage monitoring)
  • Risk Management: The WP should assess potential obstacles that may arise during the project and develop strategies to mitigate these risks and minimise their impact on the overall project’s success.
  • Communication and Dissemination: Ensure that relevant information is effectively communicated both within the project consortium and to the project’s target audience or the wider community. This may include creating dissemination materials, organising outreach events, and managing the project’s online presence.